
MikeyBS - Digital Time Savers

Digital Time Savers is thrilled to present our work on mikeybs.com, an e-commerce platform offering online food ordering and table booking functionality for MikeyB’s, where customers can discover the best seafood in New Bedford. Our team spearheaded the design and development of this dynamic website, aiming to create a seamless and engaging online experience that reflects MikeyB’s commitment to quality seafood and exceptional service.

MikeyBS - Digital Time Savers

Design Sections

Efficient Online Ordering System

Mikeybs.com boasts a user-friendly online ordering system that allows customers to browse the menu, select their favorite dishes, and complete transactions with ease. We prioritized a flawless checkout journey, ensuring fast and secure payments for a seamless purchasing experience that encourages repeat business.

Optimized for Sales and Conversion

Understanding the importance of driving sales and maximizing conversions, we implemented strategies to optimize mikeybs.com for increased revenue generation. From strategically placed calls-to-action to featured collections highlighting MikeyB’s best offerings, every aspect of the website was designed to encourage purchases and enhance the overall shopping experience.

Responsive Design for Seamless Accessibility

Our team ensured that mikeybs.com is fully responsive across all devices and screen sizes. Whether accessed on desktops, laptops, tablets, or smartphones, the website adapts seamlessly to provide a consistent and enjoyable browsing experience for users. This commitment to responsiveness enhances accessibility and ensures that customers can easily engage with MikeyB’s offerings anytime, anywhere.

Responsiveness MikeyBS - Digital Time Savers


Mikeybs.com was meticulously developed with responsiveness in mind, guaranteeing optimal performance across a variety of devices and platforms. By leveraging responsive design principles, we ensured that the website’s layout, content, and functionality adjust dynamically to suit different viewport sizes and resolutions. Whether customers are browsing from a desktop computer at home or using a smartphone on the go, mikeybs.com delivers a seamless and visually appealing experience that encourages engagement and facilitates transactions.


Book a free consultation where we will answer any questions you have, discuss details about your business, and analyze how online advertising will benefit your business.