Anka Arts

Anka Arts - Digital Time Savers

Digital Time Savers undertook the optimization of, an e-commerce platform specializing in handmade accessories. With a focus on enhancing performance, user experience, and overall effectiveness, our goal was to elevate the online presence of AnKa Arts and drive increased engagement and sales.

Anka Arts - Digital Time Savers

Fast Loading Time Optimization

Through meticulous optimization techniques, we significantly improved the website’s loading speed, ensuring that visitors have a seamless and responsive browsing experience. By reducing page load times, we minimized bounce rates and maximized user retention, ultimately enhancing the overall performance of the website.

Flawless User Experience Optimization

Leveraging UI/UX research and best practices, we implemented enhancements to streamline navigation, simplify layout, and optimize the overall user journey. From intuitive menu structures to clear calls-to-action, every aspect of the website was fine-tuned to provide visitors with a flawless and intuitive browsing experience.

Optimized for Sales

With a focus on driving conversions, we optimized key elements of the website to encourage purchase decisions and increase sales. Through strategic placement of product showcases, persuasive product descriptions, and streamlined checkout processes, we created a seamless path for visitors to explore, engage, and ultimately make a purchase.

Responsiveness Anka Arts - Digital Time Savers


The optimization efforts undertaken for have yielded tangible results in terms of improved performance and increased user engagement. By prioritizing fast loading times, enhancing user experience, and optimizing for sales, we have successfully elevated the effectiveness of the website as a digital storefront for AnKa Arts’ handmade accessories. The implementation of these optimizations has led to higher conversion rates, reduced bounce rates, and ultimately, a more successful online presence for our client. Through ongoing monitoring and refinement, we continue to drive positive results and ensure sustained growth for in the competitive e-commerce landscape.



Book a free consultation where we will answer any questions you have, discuss details about your business, and analyze how online advertising will benefit your business.