And spending only $862 in ads!

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Meet our Heroes

The Equate Team

Equate Formula Solver is a one-stop shop reference tool for students of all levels. With Equate you can solve, learn and laugh.

The Equate team is hard at work behind the scenes to improve the app.  Here are some of the features that we are working on adding in the future: Categorizing the formulas by level, more formulas, custom user formulas, calculus, quizzes, and much more.

Your Formuale Sanctuary!

Their Goals

The Equate needed 2 things:

  • High-Quality App Downloads
  • Brand Exposure

The Challenge

Getting an app in front of the right people is not always the easiest.


Because there are almost 2 million apps available for download. All competing for the attention of the ecosystem users.

Our Process

You never want to start running ads before you fully understand the audience.

The first thing we do is to do a full audit of everything the company has online.

That means:

  • Website/App
  • Social Media
  • Email Marketing

This process allows us to find errors, areas that can be improved and tap into the psychology of the business.

Step 1. The Website

The website of the Equate was great.

Fast, simple, and to the point.

When you have an educational app, where you want to focus more is on content rather than a complex website.

But we still needed to install and set up Google Analytics, GTM, and Facebook Pixel so we can have a better understanding about the user journey.

Getting more app downloads - Digital Time Savers

Step 2. Social Media

Now it was time to audit social media.

We needed to get a good understanding of the style and language that the Equate team was using.

Normally we look at data from the past 3-6 months and review all posts and comments. But since this was a fairly new business we took a look at their social media calendar and help them refine their future posts.

Funny and at the same time educational content is gold when you try to market an educational app for students and that is what Equate already had planned.

“When you run ads on Social Media platforms, you want to make sure that your business pages are up-to-date and properly represent your brand.”

How the Equare App became an overnight sensation - Digital Time Savers

Step 3. Email Marketing

Nothing is worse than signing up to an email list and getting an email that you feel was meant for someone else, or worse not receiving an email at all!

Besides actually logging into the backend and going over the main email sequences, we actually signup as users.

That really puts us in the user’s shoes and allows us to pinpoint mistakes and errors while ensuring everything is 100% good to go.

With all of the above as well as competitor research we performed we were ready to create the tailored strategy.

Ad Strategy

We wanted to collect data and get the app into as many phones as possible so we needed to start strong.

We already had a good understanding of how the brand’s language and also what works for their audience from past projects.

What we wanted was something that:

  • “Speaks” their language
  • Is highly targetted
  • Clearly explains what the app does
  • Showcases what makes it different

We ended up with an amazing collection of ads that hit all the checkboxes.

Successful Ads for App Downloads - Digital Time Savers

Clear CTA to attract the right audience

Attention grabbing colors that align with the brand.


We knew we had to spend some money to quickly get data, and that is what we did.

CA$424 and 229 was not terrible, but we knew there was a lot of room for improvement.
Also, it was just the first month.

Average cost per download: CA$1.86

But we knew there was room for improvement.

By reviewing the initial data, we were able to pinpoint the best demographics and ads that performed the best.
We now knew how to adjust the ads to get better results.

We finished the second month with 428 downloads and had spent CA$231.

Average cost per download: CA$0.56
That was a 70% decrease right there.

We had cracked the formula (pun intended) and now we were ready to reap the rewards!

We moved through the next months with a very low monthly spend.

Because the average cost per download was now CA$0.07.

And we were now starting to focus on different objectives for the company to help them grow their company.




Contact Us


Book a free consultation where we will answer any questions you have, discuss details about your business and analyse how Online Advertising will benefit your business.