I Am Bulldog's SEO Glow-Up: A Digital Makeover in 3 Months

From SEO Struggles to Search Domination in Just 3 Months!

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Meet our Heroes

I Am Bulldog

In February 2024, a paw-some challenge presented itself to the DTS team. 

One of the big dogs in the bulldog and puppy world, I am Bulldog, was struggling to gain visibility and attract organic traffic to their website. 

Despite offering a compelling service, their online presence was virtually nonexistent. Organic traffic was a distant dream, and their search engine rankings were buried beneath a mountain of competitors.

This was no ordinary SEO challenge. 

It demanded a strategic, data-driven approach. A battle plan that would unleash I am Bulldog from obscurity to the top of search engine results. 

Enter our team of digital detectives (that’s us!). We really put our nose to the grindstone to understand their audience and tailor a strategy that resonated. 

Don’t worry; we are not going to gatekeep. You can follow the exact strategy for your website and witness the results yourself. 

And, if at any point it seems to be a little too much, just contact DTS, and we will do it for you. That was smooth, right?

Anyway, let’s start from the basics. 

Their Goals

The client’s primary goals were clear:

  • Enhance Search Engine Rankings
  • Increase Organic Traffic
  • Improve User Engagement
  • Enhance User Experience
  • Boost Conversions


Who wouldn’t want that? But it wasn’t as simple. 

The Challenge

When we first dug into the data, it was clear that this website was in dire need of a well-thought-out digital strategy. 

  • Keyword optimization? Non-existent. 
  • Content? Lacked depth and purpose.
  • Technical SEO? Let’s just say it needed a serious flea bath. 


But hey, that’s where our high EQ marketing with empathy really shines. We knew we needed to dig deeper, not just fix the surface issues, but truly understand what I am Bulldog’s customers wanted, and how to give it to them in a way that felt authentic and engaging.

Our in-depth assessment revealed several critical issues hindering the site’s performance:

  • Keyword Optimization: Many web pages lacked targeted keywords, leading to poor visibility on search engines. The existing keywords were either too generic or not aligned with what potential customers were searching for.
  • Content Quality and Structure: The content on the site was not optimized for user engagement or search engines. It was either too sparse, poorly structured, or lacked the necessary keywords to rank well.
  • Technical SEO Issues: There were numerous technical problems affecting the web performance, such as broken links, duplicate content, and slow page load times.
  • Mobile Optimization: The website was not fully optimized for mobile devices, leading to a poor user experience for mobile visitors, which negatively impacted mobile search rankings.

We knew we had a 90-day rescue mission ahead of us to turn this pup around and make it the top dog it deserved to be. And let’s just say the talented team at DTS was so ready for the challenge.

Our Process

Initial Assessment and Immediate Actions

We dove headfirst into the website, checking out what was working and what wasn’t. We discovered a bunch of problems that were stopping the site from showing up in search results. 

It was time to kick things off and get the ball rolling.

Starting with the basics, we focused on making the website understandable to search engines. Through rigorous keyword research, we figured out what words people were using to find relevant products and made sure those words were used throughout the site. 

We also cleaned up the content, making it easier to read and understand. This strategic approach enhances discoverability and attracts organic traffic.

Next, we tackled the technical stuff. Broken links were repaired, loading speeds were optimized, and code was streamlined for efficiency. 

Furthermore, we prioritized mobile-friendliness, ensuring a seamless user experience across all devices. Given that mobile devices account for a staggering 58.21% of global internet traffic, this step was paramount to reaching the audience effectively.

Phase One: Intensive On-Page Optimization (February to Mid-March 2024)

From February to mid-March, we set out on a six-week mission to supercharge the on-page SEO overhaul of I am Bulldog’s website. Our goal was to establish a solid foundation that would truly resonate with their audience and search engines alike.

We started by making sure the site spoke the same language as potential customers. 

This meant finding the right words and phrases people were using to search and integrating them seamlessly into the website’s content and titles—those tiny previews that tempt searchers to click.

We also made the content easier to read, by adding clear headings and subheadings. 

To help search engines understand the site better and guide visitors smoothly, we created a roadmap of internal links. 

Finally, we sped things up by optimizing images so the site loaded faster—a critical factor in modern SEO success.

Phase Two: Strategy Development and Monitoring (Mid-March to April 2024)

With the initial website transformation underway, we shifted our focus to developing a winning strategy, one that would showcase I am Bulldog’s unique strengths and appeal to their target audience. We put our secret high EQ marketing techniques into overdrive, analyzing every wag of the tail and every bark of the search engine results.

Every week, we closely examined how the website was performing. 

Using tools like Google Analytics and Search Console, we tracked visitor numbers, how long people stayed on the site, and which search terms were bringing them in. 

This data was our roadmap, showing us what was working and what needed tweaking.

We also spent time studying I am Bulldog’s competitors, looking for opportunities to outrank them. Studying what keywords they were using and what kind of content they were creating, we understood where they might be falling short. 

This analysis helped us stay ahead of the game and find new opportunities. With this data, we made tweaks and adjustments to keep things moving in the right direction. 

Moreover, to keep fresh content flowing, we created a content calendar filled with exciting topics and relevant keywords. 

From writing new blog posts and spicing up old content to experimenting with different formats like videos and infographics, we did everything to keep the audience engaged. 

The multifaceted approach was designed to captivate our target audience and enhance overall website authority.


Our hard work paid off in spades! 

By the end of April – within 3 months – we had completely revamped I am Bulldog’s online presence.

Our focus on keyword optimization and content enhancement, honed by our high EQ empathetic marketing, was like giving their website a whole new set of teeth. Organic traffic soared by a whopping 60%, meaning more and more people were discovering I am Bulldog organically.

Plus, we tripled our top-ranking keywords, climbing from just 2 to a powerful 28! This keyword domination is driving tons of new visitors their way. 

But we didn’t just bring more visitors; we kept them around, too. Our bounce rate dropped by 20%, proving that our content was not only attracting visitors, but also keeping them engaged. 

To top it all off, we supercharged the website’s speed, shaving 25% off load times. It was like giving the website a fresh burst of energy, making it as quick and agile as a frisky puppy. This meant happier visitors and, as a bonus, better search engine rankings. A true win-win for everyone involved!

Contact Us


Book a free consultation where we will answer any questions you have, discuss details about your business, and analyze how online advertising will benefit your business.